martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

20 seconds

She was standing behind the big big door with her bridesmaides and her maid of honor by her side, her three best friends. She couldn't feel her feet, the only thing she felt was her dress pressing her ribs and her heels killing her. The music started playing. First the bridesmaides, then the maid of honor and was her turn. She started walking, holding her father's arm who was almost crying, and 20 seconds later she was standing on the altar looking into her fiancé's eyes.
Vows time. First, her fiancé.
- "From the moment you walked down the altar I knew that the vows I had written didn't match with my feelings. In 20 seconds I felt more things than I felt during my whole life. I saw you in this white dress and I knew that the only thing I was looking for all my life...was you. I felt that you are the person I was ment to be with from the begining, your face had to be the first thing I saw in the moment I opened my eyes every morning. I knew that I would actually do anything for you, I would give my own life for you. In 20 seconds I realized that the most important thing, the most precious person I standing right in front of me with tears in her eyes." - his was abaout to cry - "I want to grow old with you, watch our grandchildren playing in the backyard. I want you to be the first person I see in the morning, and the last person I see when my heart stops beating. My's no longer mine, from today on, it is completelly yours. " -
And after those words, she realized that her insecurity had vanished. She was completlly sure she wanted to be his, she wanted to give him her heart... She realized he was the man of her life. It was a crazy feeling though, when she met him, when she was a teenager, she never even dreamed about marring him, she never dreamed that it could ever happen. But that was happening.

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